Mental Health

Definition of Mental Health
The term Mental Health is derived from the concept of mental hygiene, a mental word derived from the Greek word meaning Psychology. The word mentality has a meaning equation with the word Psyhe derived from Latin meaning Psychic or Soul, so it can be concluded that mental hygiene means mental healthy or mental health.
Mental health is the avoidance of a person from the complaints and mental disorders both in the form of neurosis and psychosis (adjustment to the social environment). One's mental health is closely related to the demands of the society in which he lives, the problems of his life, his social role and social achievements.
Based on self-adjustment orientation, mental health has an understanding of one's ability to adapt to the demands of reality around it. The reality demands referred to here refers more to demands derived from societies that are concretely manifest in the demands of those around them. M. Jahoda, a pioneer of the mental health movement, provides a detailed definition of mental health. By definition, "mental health is the condition of a person related to the adjustment active in confronting and overcoming problems with maintaining the stability of the self, also when dealing with the new conditions, as well as have an appraisal real good about life as well as the state itself." The definition of Jahoda containing terms whose concepts need to be clearly understood in terms of active adaptation, self-stability, real judgment about life and the state of oneself.
Self-esteem is related to the ways individuals choose to cultivate stimuli, invitations and encouragement that come from within and beyond. Adjustment made by a healthy mental person is an active adaptation in the sense that the individual plays an active role in the selection of stimulatory means. Individuals unlike animals or plants are only reactive to the environment. In other words the individual has autonomy in responding and adapting to the environment
Understanding mental health and healthy concepts
Understanding Mental Health
According to Dr. Jalaluddin in his book "Psychology of Religion" that: "Mental health is a state of mind that is always in a state of calm, safe and secure, and efforts to find peace of mind can be achieved by adapting themselves resignasi (total surrender to God)" .
Whereas according to the science of medicine, mental health is a condition that allows the optimal physical, intellectual and emotional development of a person and the development of it goes in harmony with the circumstances of others.
Zakiah daradjat define that mental health is the realization of genuine harmony between mental functions and the creation of adjustment between the individual with himself and his environment based on faith and piety and aims to achieve a meaningful and happy life in this world and hereafter. If mental health is achieved, then the individual has the integration, adjustment and positive identification of others. In this case, individuals learn to accept responsibility, become independent and achieve behavioral integration. Of the several definitions that has been stated above, it can be understood that a healthy person mentally is to create harmony in the functioning of the soul as well as the achievement of the ability to cope with daily problems, so that the happiness and contentment in him. A person is said to have a healthy mental, if he is spared from symptoms of mental illness and utilize the potential he has to align the function of the soul in him. Unhealthy mental group. Unhealthy groups are people who feel disturbed ketentraman his heart. The existence of mental abnormalities is usually caused by the individual's inability to face the reality of life, resulting in mental conflict in him. Common symptoms of mental illness, which can be seen in several ways, among others:
People who are mentally unwell will always feel anxious because they are less able to solve the problems it faces.
People who are unwell mentally affect his mind, so he felt less able to resume pre-planned the whole hog, like not being able to concentrate on doing something pekerjan, lazy, forgetful, apathetic and sebgainya.
In general, people who are mentally unwell will be seen in their bad behavior, such as stubborn, lying, stealing, abusing, torturing others, and anything negative. From the above explanation, then in this case of course the guidance in question is the development of personality as a whole. Effective mental coaching is done by taking into account the psychological factors of the target to be nurtured. The guidance done includes moral coaching, attitude and mental formation which is generally done since child is still small. Mentoring is one way to shape morals in order to have a moral personality, virtuous and noble character, so that one can avoid the deplorable nature as a response to the emergence of juvenile delinquency.
The formation of attitudes, moral and personal coaching generally occurs through experience since childhood. In order for the child to have a strong personality and a healthy mental attitude and morals are commendable, everything can be cultivated through sight, hearing, and treatment received and will follow to determine his personal coaching. Mental / soul coaching is the first focus of attention in the Islamic mission. To create noble human beings, Islam has taught that the formation of the soul must take precedence over physical coaching or coaching on other aspects, for it is from this good soul that good deeds will emerge which in turn will bring goodness and happiness to the whole human life is born and inner.
The term "MENTAL HEALTH" is taken from the concept of mental hygiene. The word mentally taken from the Greek, the same meaning with psyche in Latin which means psychic, soul or psychological. So the term mental hygiene is meant as a mental health or a dynamic soul is not static because it indicates an improvement effort. (Notosoedirjo & Latipun, 2001: 21).
A healthy mental will not be easily disturbed by Stressor (Causes of stress) people who have a healthy mental means able to refrain from the pressures that come from himself and his environment. (Noto Soedirdjo, 1980) states that the characteristics of people who have mental health is Self-ability to survive the pressures that come from the environment. Meanwhile, according to Clausen Karentanan (Susceptibility) The existence of a person against stressor varies due to genetic factors, learning processes and cultures that exist in the environment, also the intensity of stressor received by someone with other people is also different. In the 17th century the condition of a sick patient was only identified with medical, but in its development in the 19th century medical experts realized that there was a connection between disease with human condition and psychic. This reciprocal relationship causes humans to suffer from physical disorders caused by mental disorders and otherwise mental disorders can be rapid but when reviewed more deeply theories that develop about mental health is still secular, the center of attention and study of mental health is the life in the world, a healthy person in the face of problems and living life is only oriented to the present concept and here, without thinking of any relationship between the past, present and future.
This is very different from the concept of religion-based health that has a long-term concept and is not only oriented to the present day and here, religion can have a significant impact in a healthy mental person will always feel safe and happy under any circumstances, he will also introspection of everything he does so that he will be able to control and control himself The best solution to be able to overcome mental health problems is to practice the values ​​of religion in everyday life, one's mental health can be characterized by the ability of the person in the adjustment of self with its environment, able to develop the potential within itself as much as possible to reach the blessings of Allah SWT, and by developing all aspects of intelligence, both spiritual health, emotion and intellectual intelligence.
This can be deduced because basically life is a process of adjustment to all aspects of life, people who are not able to adapt to the environment will fail in living his life. Humans are created to live together, community, need each other and always interact, this is in accordance with the concept of modern sociology of human being as a creature Zoon Politicon.
Mental disorders can be regarded as abnormal behavior or behavior that deviates from the norms prevailing in the community, the behavior is goodin the form of thoughts, feelings and actions. Stress, depression and alcoholism are classified as mental disorders because of irregularities, it can be concluded that mental disorders have a key point that is the decline in mental function and the effect on unevenness The mental disorders described.
Mental health
Mental health
(Prof. Dr. Zakiah Daradjat)
No one who does not want to enjoy the peace of life, and everyone will try to find it, although not all can achieve that desired. Various causes and obstacles that may occur so many people who experience anxiety, anxiety and dissatisfaction. The unpleasant situation is not limited to a particular group, but it depends on the way people deal with issues. For example there are poor people who are anxious because many of his desires are not achieved, even rich people who are also anxious, anxious and feel uncomfortable in his life resulting from other factors such as boredom or want to add more wealth. Everyone, whether high-ranking or not even a messenger, encounters difficulties in various forms. Only one thing that is equally perceived is the unfitness of the soul. Truly the tranquility of life, the tranquility of the soul or the inner happiness, does not depend on external factors such as social, economic, political, customs and so on. But it is more dependent on the way and attitude to face these factors. So that determines the tranquility and happiness of life is mental health. It is mental health that determines a person's response to a problem, and its ability to adapt. It is mental health that determines whether people will have the excitement to live, or to be passive or uninspired.
The mentally healthy person will not be desperate, pessimistic or apathetic, because he can deal with all obstacles or the failure of his life in peace. If the failure is dealt with calmly, it can be analyzed, searched for the causes it causes, or finds factors that are out of place. Thus it can be learned that avoids all the things that bring failure at another time. To know if a person is healthy or mentally disturbed, it is not easy. Usually the materials of investigation or signs of mental health are actions, behaviors or feelings. Therefore a person who is disturbed mental health when there is emotional shock, behavioral abnormalities or actions.
From the results of research conducted on patients with mental health disorders, it can be concluded that disturbed mental health can affect the overall life of a person. The influence is divided into four groups namely; feelings, thoughts / intelligence, behavior and body health. This is all classified as mental disorders, while mental illness is much heavier.
Among the mental disorders caused by mental health is anxiety, jealousy, sadness, feeling inferior, angry, hesitant and so on. For clarity let us review each issue with an example.
Feelings of uncertainty, panic, fear without knowing anything that is feared and can not eliminate the anxious and worried feelings. Too many things cause a lot of uneasy jitters.
Often people feel envy for the happiness of others. This juice is not due to the rottenness of his heart as usual, but because he himself did not feel happy in his life.
Unreasonable sadness, or too much sadness so that his water always sadness sad, even though he is a capable, rank, valued people and so on. In fact, this sad feeling happens a lot. Many of us see people who are never happy in their lives. The reason is varied, there are mothers who feel lonely because their children already, do not need it anymore, and father no longer as before. Instead there is a father who felt sad because his wife who had always been paying attention to food and drink, is now busy taking care of the household and his son. Such sadness, not caused by a thing or problem directly, but by impaired mental health.
Low self-esteem
Low self-esteem and self-esteem occur in adolescents. This is caused by the many problems they face and do not get the settlement and understanding of the parents. Besides, it may also be due to the influence of education and treatment he received as a child. This low self-esteem makes people irritable. Therefore he may stay away from the crowd, being alone, not daring to express an opinion (for fear of being wrong), not daring to act or taking an initiative (fear of not being accepted). Eventually he will lose his confidence, and then he also believes in people. He will be irritable or sad, be apathetic and pessimistic. Even that low self-esteem would probably cause him to criticize other people, and his behavior might seem arrogant. In association he becomes stiff, unpopular by his comrades, because he is easily offended and does not participate actively in association or work.PengarahSesasanya people in certain circumstances sometimes need to be angry, but if he often angry that is not in place or unbalanced with the cause of that anger, then that has something to do with mental health. Anger is actually an expression of an unpleasant heartache, usually due to disappointment, dissatisfaction, not achieved what it wants. If the person who is feeling uncomfortable, dissatisfied with him, then a little outside atmosphere annoying he will become angry. Perhaps a child, a wife or anyone else will be the target of his long-stacked anger. FOURTH HEALTH ASPECTS OF HUMAN HEALTHY DEFINITIONS The term healthy in everyday life is often used to suggest that something can work normally. Even dead bodies are like motor vehicles or engines, if they work normally, it is often by the owner that the vehicle is in good health. Most people say healthy if the body feels fresh and comfortable. Even a doctor will state the patient is healthy when, according to the results of the examination he did get the whole body of the patient functioning normally. One's health is not only measured from the physical, mental, and social aspects, but also measured from its productivity in the sense of having a job or producing something economically. For those who have not entered the workforce, children and adolescents, or for those who are not working (retired) or old age. Socially meaningful productive means. For example, socially-economically productive for school students or students is achieving a good achievement, while earning secra socio-economic for the elderly or retirees is to have beneficial social and religious activities, not only for himself but for others or society. The fourth dimension of health is mutually influence in realizing the level of health of a person, group, or masyarakat. Itulah why, the health is comprehensive contains four aspects. Perwujudan of each aspect is in the health of a person, among others, as follows:
1.HEALTH PHYSICSHealth physicality manifested when a person does not feel and complain of pain or absence of complaints and indeed objectively does not seem sick.All organs of the body are functioning normally or not experiencing interference.
Material mental or mental health includes three components, namely the mind, emotional, and spiritual.Healthy mind reflected in the way of thinking or the way of thinking. Healthy emotions are reflected in a person's ability to express his emotions such as: fear, joy, worry, sadness, and so forth. Healthy spiritual is reflected in the way a person expresses gratitude, praise, trust and so on something beyond this mortal world. It is God Almighty (Allah SWT in Islam) For example: healthy spiritual can be seen from one's religious practice. In other words . Spiritual health is a state in which a person carries out worship and all the religious rules he embraces.
3. SOCIAL HEALTH Social health manifests when a person is able to relate to other people or groups well. tribe, religion, or belief, social status, economy, politics, etc., and mutual tolerance and appreciation.
4. ECONOMICAL HEALTH when viewed from the economic aspect is seen when a person (adults) productive, in the sense of having activities that produce something that can support towards his own life or his family financially. For those who are immature (students or students) and elderly (retirees), this limit is null and void. Therefore, for the group, the prevailing is socially productive, having activities that are useful for their later lives, for example achievers for students or students, and other social, religious, or service activities for the elderly.

Obesity often means people with excess weight or unhealthy eating patterns. but I once read an article that the researchers found a responsible gene called the FTO grn, which has a 70% higher risk for overweight. called the FTO gene because it has two variants, people who have a copy of the genes of each variant has a 30% chance of becoming obese. it's even more dangerous if we have 2 copies of the obesity gene and the same variant. and the consequences for overweight increased to 70%. the new findings seem to undermine the arguments that modern lifestyles play a major role in the case of obesity. Actually it depends on his diet that makes a person fat is his excessive foods that contain carbonhydrate. carbonhydrate / amyllium is a polymer of gulkosa supposing gulkosa is not used and stored as a food reserve that is called glycogen aka muscle sugar. both of us banayk-doing a lot of activity / motion for the glycogen had to turn into glucose that is used as energy for the activity. indeed the risk of all our bodies become sick and stiff due to dar sport that we did earlier. because the glycogen changes will become glucose and glucose will become (triposphat acid) which produces lactic acid that causes the body aches. before I ever read a magazine that under our skin there is fatty tissue because there is a bag of fat / oil bags so if we eat too much food will be stored as a reserve of food and most likely the saturated fat from the food. because it is also a factor that makes people get fat / obesity.
Metabolic syndrome (x syndrome) consists of obesity characterized by abdominal fat, abnormalities of cholesterol, hypertension, and resistance to insulin. it appears that genetic factors play a role, metabolic syndrome significantly in hungkan with heart disease and higher mortality, obesity resulting in less confidence for the patient. he felt inferior because most people prefer a slimmer woman than a little big. Obesity can inhibit the activity of a person to perform an activity. not to mention the pandanagn people who sometimes make the sufferer's heart, the talk that sometimes really makes him down and fall. but there are also some who never care about the talk of others he keep walking straight without looking back and sideways. this is a person who has a great confidence and mamapu dismissed all the talk of people against his always negative, mencemoh, always hurt and always insulted as if the patient open the human.
Obesity factor itself I think can be caused
1. A lot of excessive portion of the meal
2. An unhealthy diet and only depends on the food that he likes
3. Less of his body vitamins that can regulate body development
4. Exercise is lacking
5. The mind that ignites the sters that result in the desire to continue to eat for
vent his anger
6. Lack of attention from parents / around to restrict the diet of the person
7. Lack of self-control if you see the food he likes
8. Fantasy that sometimes settles in our brain to try something food
the new one
9. His stomach that has grown in karnakan since he was little is always given
excessive food intake
10. Genes / heredity factors (only% of them)


  1. "Keempat dimensi kesehatan tersebut saling mempengaruhi dalam mewujudkan tingkat kesehatan seseorang,kelompok,atau masyarakat.Itulah sebabnya,maka kesehatan bersifat menyeluruh mengandung keempat aspek".

    Nah..tadi kan ada opini seperti itu, nah menurutmu bagaimana kalau seseorang itu ke 4 aspek nya itu tidak sehat sempurna. Dengan kata lain, sebagian atau salah satu dari aspek itu mentalnya kurang atau tidak sehat. Apakah dia masih dikategorikan manusia yang bermental sehat???


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