
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2018

Alutsista Kita, Mengapa Membeli Berbagai Merek

Modernisasi militer Indonesia yang terus berkibar sampai saat ini menunjukkan suasana pasar alutsista yang hiruk pikuk.   Berbagai produsen alutsista menawarkan produknya dengan penuh gairah dan sang pembeli pun tergiur dengan berbagai merek yang ditawarkan. Dalam lima tahun ke depan suasana pasar yang begitu gempita akan memberikan gelora yang lebih hangat. Dan sang pembeli akan semakin tergoda dengan bujuk rayu pemilik merek untuk melirik dan memeluk produk mereka. Marinir kita sudah punya alutsista MLRS (Roket Multi Laras) bermerek RM Grad buatan Ceko, jumlahnya tidak banyak.  Lalu datang lagi yang bermerek Vampire juga buatan Ceko. Tidak apa-apa karena Vampire adalah edisi terkini serial MLRS. Tetapi kemudian dalam waktu berdekatan muncul lagi MLRS dari Norinco Cina. Mengapa tidak melanjutkan Vampire saja, termasuk kembali memperbanyak jumlah tank amfibi BMP3F yang jumlahnya baru mencapai 60 unit.  Kalau Marinirnya mau dikembangkan sampai tiga divisi tentu perlu ...

Benefits of Laughter for Mental and Body Health

Everyone must have laughed at seeing or hearing things that can make you laugh. Laughter is something that can make a person feel happy. Not only that, it turns out laughing also has health benefits, such as heart healthy, relieve stress and can also sweat even though not doing physical activity, such as sports. There is now a therapy that uses laughter as a healing medium. Capital just laugh, but there is a way of its own. Well, for more details the benefits of laughing for health, consider the following reviews. Laughing Reduces Stress Level According to one study states that laughter and a sense of humor can reduce a person's stress level and minimize negative thinking due to depression or because of daily routine. In addition, just by laughing a sense of loneliness will be reduced and make a person always berpositif thinking to himself. Maintaining Heart Health Research says when laughing can make the blood flow circulating throughout the body that has a high oxygen co...

Benefits of Flower of the Intercontinental Tongue for Health and Environment

In your mind must be wondering if there is a flower of the tongue-in-law? I said there must be. Yaps, this is the form of a man's intelligence to name something. In accordance with the shape is not wrong if named after the tongue-in-law. The shape of this plant is like a long tongue up and there is a motif-shaped spots, but not true tongue loh, let alone tongue-in-law. Hehehe Tongue-in-law or also known as Sanseveria is a plant that we usually find in the yard of the house as a living fence (in my place anyway) or very popular among lovers of ornamental plants. In addition to beauty, the tongue-in-law also has health benefits for the body. Loh how come? What the hell can not, the tongue-in-law also has the extraordinary features that can absorb toxic materials such as air pollution by cigarette smoke, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and the type of pollutant that can pollute the air. Wow really great is not it? So, very suitable to be planted as home decoration or in pla...

Negative Impact of Android Devices for Kids

The rapid development of technology at a cheaper price makes it easier for android devices owned by children aged 13 years. Parents assume that removing smarphone from a child can minimize the negative effects of digital media. But, in fact, your child needs to have a current mobile device taking into account the security issues and the need to remain in parental control. In order for their children not to engage in dangerous activities online, parents need to educate their children about safe digital behavior. Dark Side of Android Device. Here are some factors that may have a negative impact on your child. By identifying these risks, parents can help their children stay safe. 1. Cyberbullying Cyberbullying is certainly the most common thing children do today. If you allow a child to bring his / her cell phone to school, make sure you teach the appropriate mobile ethics for your child. Most children take pictures of other children or their teachers without their knowledg...

Portrait of Indonesia Education Portrait Definisi portrait nomina a painting, drawing, photograph, or engraving of a person, especially one depicting only the face or head and shoulders. His exploits were commemorated in a series of paintings, portraits and engravings. sinonim: painting, picture, drawing, sketch, likeness, image, study, miniature, oil, portraiture (of a page, book, or illustration, or the manner in which it is set or printed) higher than it is wide. you can print landscape and portrait pages in the same document Lihat juga portrait Terjemahan dari portrait nomina potret portrait, photograph, snapshot, portraiture, shot, photo lukisan painting, portrait, portrayal, depiction, description gambar image, picture, drawing, figure, photo, illustration

Education in Indonesia is not yet fully in a perfect state. Is it a motivation for improvement in Indonesia? Maybe yes, maybe not. There are still many defects that must be patched one by one.   There are several interrelated issues. First, the revocation of BHP Law. The Constitutional Court (MK) in the trial of the judicial review of Law Number 9 Year 2009 regarding Education Legal Entity (BHP) stated that the Act is unconstitutional because it is contradictory to the 1945 Constitution []. This ruling is indeed shared by some components of society. Because it is considered as an attempt to commercialize education. However, if when the BHP law is revoked the problem will be completed? No. Because the world of education must now redefine what system is appropriate to use. The world of education in Indonesia may even lose direction. So what is the government's current action? The government is currently working on the BHP Replacement Perpu. But it'...

Digestive disorders in workers

Human digestive system consists of channels and digestive glands. The digestive tract is a channel through which food is passed. There are many diseases that can attack the digestive tract, either from biological sources such as foods containing viruses or bacteria or other microorganisms, chemical sources such as overdose of drugs, as well as mechanical effects such as temperature and environment. digestion is very important for humans, because the performance of the digestive system will determine the absorbed nutrients and disposal of waste that is not needed by the body. The digestive system will also form a short chain essential amino acid (SCFA) that is useful in immune processes (immunity). having a healthy digestion will strengthen the body's immune system that protects the body from various diseases, destroying and eliminating foreign microorganisms (bacteria, parasites, fungi, viruses, tumors) that enter the body. Nevertheless, awareness of digestive health in society ...

Mental Health

Definition of Mental Health The term Mental Health is derived from the concept of mental hygiene, a mental word derived from the Greek word meaning Psychology. The word mentality has a meaning equation with the word Psyhe derived from Latin meaning Psychic or Soul, so it can be concluded that mental hygiene means mental healthy or mental health. Mental health is the avoidance of a person from the complaints and mental disorders both in the form of neurosis and psychosis (adjustment to the social environment). One's mental health is closely related to the demands of the society in which he lives, the problems of his life, his social role and social achievements. Based on self-adjustment orientation, mental health has an understanding of one's ability to adapt to the demands of reality around it. The reality demands referred to here refers more to demands derived from societies that are concretely manifest in the demands of those around them. M. Jahoda, a pioneer of the mental...


                                                        Masyarakat Pakpak merupakan suatu kelompok suku bangsa yang terdapat di Sumatera Utara. Secara tradisional wilayah komunitasnya disebut Tanoh Pakpak. Tanoh Pakpak terbagi atas lima sub wilayah, yakni: Simsim, Keppas, Pegagan (semuanya terdapat di Kabupaten Dairi dan Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat), Kelasen (Kecamatan Parlilitan - Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan dan Kecamatan Manduamas dan Barus - Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah) dan Boang (Kabupaten Aceh Singkil dan Kota Subulussalam). Dalam administrasi pemerintahan Indonesia saat ini, wilayah ini dibagi dalam dua provinsi (Sumatera Utara dan Nangroe Aceh Darussalam) dan lima kabupaten/kota (Kabupaten Dairi, Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat, Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan, Kabupaten Aceh Singkil dan Kota Subulussalam) yang mengakibatkan tidak ada daerah tin...